Case study: Fencing for renewable energy transformers

Renewables fencing case study

SSE Specification fencing for renewable energy transformers

High security utilities fencing to protect the public from high voltage areas


In the past I’ve struggled finding a decent contractor when it comes to fencing and usually throw it back to the civils contractor to undertake…but New Forest Fencing consistently deliver high-quality workmanship.

They also undertake the concrete anti burrow foundation works which is handy as you don’t have to liaise between the civil and fencing contractor”.

Contracts Manager, Ethical Power

Renewable transformer fencing

The challenge
Ethical Power, specialists in renewable energy services, required a dependable contractor capable of installing the specific SSE fencing system. This system was needed to enclose transformers that were converting energy from a nearby solar panel farm.

The solution

We supplied and installed the system, which features larger post profiles for additional security, and an anti-burrow concrete poured beam which sits under the fence-line to stop unwanted pests and intruders from gaining access.

The project was completed on time and was the start of a brilliant relationship with the team at Ethical Power.

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